Andrew Lake
7 Jan 2022
Generic Operator Returns-Deadline for Quarterly and Yearly Returns
If you are a waste operator I imagine you are well aware that as apart of your permit is the requirement to keep records of waste movements in to and out of your site. These records are known as either Waste Transfer Notes (WTN) or Hazardous Consignment Notes (CN) but may also be referred to differently dependent on operator.
Depending on the type of permit you have can dictate the frequency at which you have to submit to the Environment Agency (EA). Some require the submission of these records on a quarterly basis as below.
Quarterly returns
Quarters Deadline for return
1 January to 31 March 30 April
1 April to 30 June 31 July
1 July to 30 September 31 October
1 October to 31 December 31 January
Yearly returns
Annual return period Deadline for return
1 January to 31 December 31 January of the following year
If you do not submit these returns in a timely manner you could incur compliance scores from the EA. This is process is carried out by the National Operators Returns team and not your local officer. This has an overall impact on your compliance score and your yearly subsistence fee.
If you require any help in this submission process or general compliance advice please don’t hesitate to contact Umbrella Environmental on or 07498 671 713.